Aviation Merit Badge

How To Earn It

  1. Acquire the Aviation Merit Badge pamphlet either in book or pdf form.
    • You can order the book here for $4.99 (plus shipping) from the BSA.
    • Download the pamphlet here
    • The current requirements are available here.
  2. Take a look at the Requirements and decide which of the optional items you would like to do.
    • Requirements 2, 3 and 4 allow you to select from a few options.
  3. Read the pamphlet and in particular study and learn the information for requirements 1a-e, 2e and 5.
  4. You may also look at the resources listed on the previous page for additional information and videos.
  5. If you have ever built a flying model airplane, that is a big step toward optional requirement 3a,
    if not, under 3b you can make one from a foam plate. A template is here.
  6. Visiting an airport and actually flying in a plane are just optional requirements, but encouraged
    to get the best aviation experience.
    A Young Eagles Flight (by the EAA, not the BSA) is an opportunity for a free Introductory Flight experience.
  7. Using the Aviation Merit Badge Worksheet is optional, but encouraged to help you write down
    what you've learned and make it easy to study and review before you meet with your Merit Badge
  8. Meet with an Aviation Merit Badge Counselor to show him or her what you've learned and experienced
    and to ask any questions you may have about aviation or the merit badge.
  9. Have fun learning about flying and aviation!!

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Page updated February 3, 2019
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